Aug 07 2014 · 0 comments · Uncategorized ·

Zoning – it all starts here

As anyone will quickly learn in New York, viagra or anywhere in America for that matter, cialis sales is that the concept for any building starts with zoning regulations.  We may often bemoan the constraints, and some of the regulations are indeed antiquated, but the underlying reasons for zoning laws will keep them around.

Whether it is a Manhattan tower or a one story addition in the Hudson Valley, the first place we start is by checking for setbacks and allowable bulk.  Berg + Moss got its start by doing endless bulk studies and conceptual models trying to determine what the limiting factors for a project are.  We still do tons of these for all kinds of varying zoning districts .  We tie the studies back to area diagrams and spreadsheets and we can work quickly with developers or homeowners to determine initial cost and sales estimates based on simple conceptual plans.  This early exercise can either jump start a project or smother it.  Here are some examples for a mixed-use tower in Manhattan.   CB.Massing Studies