Aug 21 2014 · 0 comments · Uncategorized ·

Staking out the site

Stake out

Staking out the site and locating the future building in the landscape is our first physical marking of the land.  Up until now we have been observers; walking the property, cialis canada imagining, hypothesizing, drawing.  Our engagement with the site has been fairly abstract.  The staking of the building is real.  It is both exciting and sad.  Exciting because it marks the future potential of a place, exciting because it records a mark on a field where there was previously little to distinguish.

It is sad because there is no going back once this is done, at least for the near future:  Nature has it’s way, eventually.

So it is on this occasion that we tread lightly, making our mark as carefully as we can.  We return to our drawings and double check our initial assumptions.  We move and adjust the siting of the house, tagging the trees to save while considering the fate of others.  We take care to balance our plans while respecting the land that we are inhabiting.